Positive StakeCube reviews
StakeCube is rated with 4 stars on a scale of 1-5. That is the result of 10 experience reports. The average rating of Masternode providers on Crypto Review is 4 stars. All Masternode providers reviews are currently composed of 10 experience reports. We have also put together StakeCube alternatives for you.
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StakeCube Review #7
How did I find out about the provider?
I've been active in cryptospace for a long time and try out a lot of ideas and things. In addition to own mining, cloud mining, mining providers such as Meatec (where you buy the hardware directly and have it operated by Meatec), I came across Stakecube in addition to Getnode.
In contrast to Getnode, Stakecube relies on the operation and management of staking master nodes and offers users participation in shared master nodes. This means that you can participate in staking even with smaller amounts.
What expectations did I have of the provider and were they met?
I just wanted to stake small amounts and get rewards and hoped to find a suitable solution in Stakecube. This expectation was met.
What did I particularly like?
You can stake small amounts and also stake your own token SCC (Stake Cube Coin).
In addition to the shared masternodes, the platform also offers so-called HotNodes and ColdNodes, as well as an exchange.
The cold nodes in particular are something special, because you have full control over your coins here and you don't have to trust the company fully to be able to stake.
What could the provider do better?
There could definitely be more coins to choose from. So far I only stake PIVX, otherwise you can only stake SCC and Reddcoin.
In addition, the platform was only hacked in early 2020 and has experienced one or two other hacker attacks before.
Although all losses have been reimbursed, it still casts a bad light on the platform.
Would I recommend the provider to a friend?
If you can't or don't want to set up a node yourself, or if you only want to stake small amounts, Stakecube is a good recommendation. The ColdNodes also give you a certain degree of security here. The hotnodes are recommended for beginners.
Conclusion: would I use the provider again?
Currently I only use Stakecube for a small amount of PIVX. For larger stakes, I now use other providers. However, this may change in the future with an expansion of the range.
StakeCube Review #6
How did I find out about the provider?
I learned about StakeCube through the Telegram group of Krypto-Magazin.
What expectations did I have of the provider and were they met?
Actually, I imagined it to be a small, relatively unprofessional exchange with some additional functions regarding masternodes. But this turned out to be a delusion. Even though StakeCube is still relatively new and has a very young team, the provider is extremely transparent and the masternode hosting offers are reliable and absolutely outstanding.
What did I particularly like?
How transparent and honest the team is. Moreover, in my experience - even though most of the support is unfortunately still done via Discord - the support team is competent, friendly and quick.
What could the provider do better?
Stop using Cloudflare. Cloudflare is incompetent and monitors the users of hosted services. Furthermore, the captcha system is annoying. Cloudflare also makes it relatively difficult to reach the exchange via Tor.
Would I recommend the provider to a friend? If yes / no, why?
Yes, definitely. Stakecube is relatively easy to use and the perfect entry for building a passive income in crypto. With the support of Stakecube new users are in good hands.
Conclusion: Would I use the provider again? If yes / no, why?
Yes, I will continue to use StakeCube. Especially the in-house coin StakeCubeCoin (SCC) is very appealing. The decision to switch from the error-prone Pivix to the Dash code-base proved to be excellent in retrospect. In addition, the utility coin brings an extremely high added value for investors by promising little advantages in all areas of StakeCube. What I like best are the additional percentages for daily interest.
StakeCube Review #5
Today i will write a review about Stakecube. Of course it will be written in English, because this is the english part of this review website.
I started with stakecube months ago, I guess it was in April. It was a recommendation of the German kryptomagazin. Many videos were posted about the way stakecube is working and I really enjoy it. There are some great features I want to mention here. The first one is the free faucets. That mean, you can earn a little amount of free cryptocurrencies each day. You won’t get rich, but it is good to get some informations about new coins. The 2nd thing is the staking. I give you an example with my favorite cryptocurrency Dash. When you start staking Dash, you will get an interest about 7% each year. When you buy shares of Masternodes you will get an addition of around 5-6 %. If you own some SCC Masternodes the interest rate will increase to 11%. To sum up, you can get 18% of interest each year, just to keep your Dash on Stakecube. Stakecube is growing and has around 57000 members right now. There are many more aspects that I just want to mention in little words. You can buy mining on this Plattform,
You can play games there, just for fun. I would always recommended stakecube if some of my friends is asking me about an opionion. Try it out yourself. It is free to register and you will like it, I am sure.
StakeCube Review #4
I joined the StakeCube Community about 3 months ago and until now I have only positive feedback to give. The platform in its version 2 has already many features and we are all waiting and looking forward to the upcoming update to version 3. StakeCube has an own exchange, where you can trade coins, a masternode hosting service, where you can automatically have installed masternodes of around 20 different cryptocurrencies, if you don't have enough collateral you can use their shared masternode feature and buy parts of shared masternode. A very cool feature is that you can increase your interest rate by using the masternode hosting service and get up to +-10% interest on BTC, depending on the number of masternodes, invitations and so on. They also provide a mining feature, where you can buy hash power via the SCC token. So the token has many use cases - one of the newest features is the credits, you have to use to pay the fees if you use the hot node feature (hosted masternode). This will be used starting in December and these credits can also onle be bought by using SCC, which will probably make the coin more used. I don't want to forget to mention that they have an academy with useful articles and a very nice community within Telegram and discord.
I would highly recommend the platform and the coin to friends, because until now, besides it lost about 30-40% of value from where I bought my first tokens, from my point of view this will not last very long and I am already looking forward on the future development of the value, but much more on the new features that will be provided from Oleg and his team.
I personally use the hosted masternode feature, as well as shared masternodes and until now everything went well!
StakeCube Review #3
Stakecube is a must have for Crypto Investors, in my Opinion. I have heared much about it, the most Informations i got through Youtube and the Krypto Magazine, so i want to test it out, and i was really Hyped. My Expeditions were high, but the Plattform and the Team behind it, reach a Level were im a little bit frustrated that i dont recognize the Projekt earlier. They have so much to offer, where a Investor can take part of it to participate. Coin Staking (Dash and Smaller Crypto currencies), Masternodes (also Masternodes Shares), pysical Mining (Dash and Bitcoin also with Shares), Interest Rates when you Stake more.
Stakecube isnt a Plattform which is only Interesting for Hodler with much money, like Crypto.com where only 5% of the Investors reach the Rose-Gold or Black Card. By Stakecube you can Buy with 4 Dollars a Share of Mining Hardware. The Same matters for Masternodes, there you can also buy for 25 Dollars for Example, a Share of a Masternode (Dash). You dont need to be a Pro in Informationstechnologie to use there Offers. You can also lead a node from Stakecube themselves, so they hosted a node for you. It run as a service via the operator.
Its also one of the most secured Plattforms. Stakecube was never hacked before. The Projekt is very transparent, so the Risk of a Exit Scam is very very low. Sure its possible, but the most Projects in the Kryptospace has a higher Risk Level. I really recommend the Projekt for new People in the Kryptospace, because you become a feeling for the Cryptocurrencies, there Usecase and there true Value.
StakeCube Review #2
I became attentive over Youtube contributions of the Krypto magazine to the portal. I find it positive that the portal was founded by two Germans. Thus the portal is also subject to German law, which minimizes a possible exit scam in my eyes.
What I found interesting in the offer of StakeCube, were the possibilities to participate in staking, master nodes, or mining hardware of other crypto currencies by means of SCC (StakeCube Coins). Concretely I want to address the participation possibility with Meatec. Without investing a lot of money in hardware mining, it is possible to buy a miner abroad, even with smaller amounts.
The operators are also leading in the field of master nodes, since several different types are offered, such as hotnode, coldnode or even shared master nodes. Hot- and coldnodes differ in whether the hardware is hosted by the operator himself or run as a service via the operator. Shared is like Meatec's Mining a sharing of a common master node with others.
Regarding further development, the operators are currently on the fast lane. This is probably due to the large influx of new members to this portal. In the fast moving world of crypto currencies this is also compellingly necessary.
Unfortunately the portal once fell victim to a nasty hack. The good thing about the incident was that the victims were fully reimbursed for the damage by the operators. I know such an action only from few other portals in the crypto world.
For beginners the portal is definitely recommended. There is also a training course to get familiar with the subject of crypto currencies.
StakeCube Review #1
I think StakeCube is one of the best platforms in staking and masternodes. It's not just the topic of making money that is exciting, I also think the community is super friendly and the team does a very good job. Of course you want more security and transparency here and there, so far I've been satisfied.