HitChain opinions
So far,1 of opinions have been recorded for HitChain. These opinions are not investment recommendations but the community's perspective on HitChain. Please do not make a purchase decision based on these HitChain opinions.
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HitChain opinion #1
For the Hitchain project we have a representative of the DAO (Distributed Autonomous Organization).
The main focus of this project is the protection of intellectual property, of a fair distribution of income. Thus one can speak of community property. It should be noted that all participants, whether they are developers or users of the blockchain, are considered equally as developers of the blockchain.
From a technical point of view, the hitchain uses a double consensus procedure consisting of PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) and the dPOS (deligated Proof of Stake). The basis is the Ethereum with the ERC-20 and the ecosystem has a maximum number of just over 102 billion HIT tokens, which were launched as ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in 2018.
Since then, the token has been steadily decreasing in price. At the moment you can get 200 HIT tokens for 1 ct. At the beginning there were 3 HIT tokens per 1 ct.
Again a project which was published in the Hype ICO phase and afterwards could not bring any added value in the crypto scene.