DigitalPrice opinions
So far,1 of opinions have been recorded for DigitalPrice. These opinions are not investment recommendations but the community's perspective on DigitalPrice. Please do not make a purchase decision based on these DigitalPrice opinions.
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DigitalPrice opinion #1
DigitalPrice (DP) is a crypto currency developed by an IT company based in Turkey. The reason for the development was, from the company's point of view, the sluggish adaptation speed of the major crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. In addition, Bitcoin has no central management to control the development. It should be shown that with an active management a crypto currency can spread faster and more widely.
Technically, it is a PoW (Proof of Work) network with an X11 algorithm to determine the consensus. The determination of the blocks should be twice as fast as with the global forerunner Bitcoin.
It turned out, however, that the trust of the users was not very high compared to such an ambitious project. A currency that is centrally controlled does not correspond to the idea of decentralised block chaining. It is therefore not surprising that the price is only pointing towards the bottom. Recently there have also been no block chain activities, which leads me to assume that this project is dead.