Opinions de Ravencoin

4 sur 5

Avis 1


Pour Ravencoin, 1 avis ont été recueillis à ce jour. Ces opinions ne sont pas des recommandations d'investissement mais le point de vue de la communauté sur Ravencoin. Veuillez ne pas prendre de décision d'achat sur la base de ces opinions Ravencoin.

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Nous attendons avec impatience une évaluation honnête et authentique de cette crypto-monnaie.

#1 avis Ravencoin

Expérience positive envoyé par Anonyme le 30.11.2020 4 sur 5

The RaveCoin (RVN) is a fork of Bitcoin code and was published like the original as PoW (Proof of Work) 2018.
Like Bitcoin, its purpose is to transfer and hold assets and assets for trading in real goods. The maximum capitalisation is RVN 21 billion and the block time is only 1 minute. In addition, the hash algorithm was changed from AES-256 to Kawpow to exclude ASIC miner farms. Several Mining Pools offer joint mining and thus the taking of rewards with PPS (Pay Per Share) or PPLNS (Pay Per Last Number of Shares).

From a security point of view this must be mentioned:
Due to a code error in the source code of the repository github, hackers were able to gain access to several hundred million RVN in mid-2020.

For safekeeping I recommend the Hardware Wallet Ledger with its own Wallet Leger Live.
Even though the ambitions of the development team are high, I see a strong long-term competition with the already more widespread crypto currencies.